

My World Through the Lens of Motherhood

“I’m pregnant” may have changed my life forever, but that doesn’t mean life can’t still be an adventure of wonder and excitement with baby in-tow.  The Mayu is a peek into my journey transitioning into a baby first, momma second lifestyle and keeping life fun and fulfilling. Join us as we try new recipes, spruce up outfits, discuss baby learning, and dare to take on new hobbies. We’ll chat momma challenges and celebrate our successes along the way!

In momma news...

Sammy’s Montessori Inspired Playroom

As Sammy was approaching three months old, we knew it was time to start thinking about a welcoming developmental space for him that he could call his own. Inspired by Montessori principles, we created a playroom where he could roam and explore, and that also stayed true to our own design aesthetics. Here are tips and tricks on how you can do the same!

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A Modern Momma’s Diaper Bag

I spent those critical first weeks of motherhood hauling around a thoroughly stocked and bulky diaper bag. I had a ton of diapers, packs of wipes, changes of clothes, a changing pad, butt creams, extra bibs, extra burp rags … the works. This was crazy, and I had to minimize. Here are three creative and stylish ideas to help ensure you carry the essentials for your baby whilst being a Style Momma!

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How to Start and Maintain Your SoFlo Garden: A Beginners Guide

This year’s pandemic changed a lot of things for everyone. For us, in order to be a more self sustaining family, we decided to start growing our own food! Buying the plants is easy, but bringing them to harvest is not always so simple. Here are a few beginners tips on starting and maintaining your own garden in South Florida.

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Taco Tuesday: Plant Foodie Edition

In pursuit of our goal to shift to a more plant-based diet, I decided to swap the beef in our tacos for seasoned beans. I kept the ingredients fresh and to a minimum, helping bring their flavors out to the fullest. Join my amazing sous chef Sammy and me for our Taco Tuesday Extravaganza!

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Beans! Beans! Beans!

This recipe is a spin on a bacon and beans dish that I snagged from my sister-in-law. Who doesn’t love bacon and beans?! They’re delicious and hit the spot every time. I wanted to find a plant-based option… and so a veggie bean dish was born! It hits all the right flavor notes and has been a huge hit with the family.

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