Blog Posts
Modern Momma
Sammy’s Montessori Inspired Playroom
As Sammy was approaching three months old, we knew it was time to start thinking about a welcoming developmental space for him that he could call his own. Inspired by Montessori principles, we created a playroom where he could roam and explore, and that also stayed true to our own design aesthetics. Here are tips and tricks on how you can do the same!
A Modern Momma’s Diaper Bag
I spent those critical first weeks of motherhood hauling around a thoroughly stocked and bulky diaper bag. I had a ton of diapers, packs of wipes, changes of clothes, a changing pad, butt creams, extra bibs, extra burp rags … the works. This was crazy, and I had to minimize. Here are three creative and stylish ideas to help ensure you carry the essentials for your baby whilst being a Style Momma!
Water Baby From the Get-Go!
No, this is not some crazy experiment nor is it uncomfortable for the baby. In fact, this sets them free! Huh? Yep, it gives your newborn freedom to move that their little muscles just can’t make happen when stuck on their back with gravity working against them. Welcome to The Amazing Baby Spa! Now for the story…